Root Canals

What are Root Canals?

A root canal is a procedure that aims to remove the inside pulp of a damaged or compromised tooth. Your teeth have smaller inner pulps inside of them. The pulp holds the nerves and blood supply that are crucial in keeping the tooth healthy and vital. If the pulp becomes infected by decay or exposed through a crack in the tooth, it has to be removed to prevent and eliminate the pain that comes from it.

Why would Root Canals be needed?

If you have a tooth that has become severely decayed or if a tooth has broken extensively, the pulp may have been compromised. Most often, a tooth that needs to be root canaled will be painful, sensitive to hot and cold and cause pain whenever pressure is applied to it. To eliminate this discomfort, the pulp can be extracted via a root canal procedure. Root canals are one of the most common dental procedures performed around the world.

Who is a candidate for Root Canals?

While it's relatively safe to say that a tooth that is causing severe pain will need a root canal, we make sure of this by performing an exam and taking an x-ray. The x-ray allows us to see if the pulp has been compromised and if it needs to be removed. If you need a root canal, it is a good idea to come in and sit for the procedure. The longer you put off having the root canal done, the worse the pain and sensitivity will be.

What happens during the Root Canal procedure?

The root canal process begins with a local anesthetic to numb the mouth. We then place a dental dam over the compromised tooth, protecting it from bacteria inside of the mouth. The next step is to open the tooth and remove both the decay as well as the pulp. The canals of the roots are thoroughly cleaned to remove any and all remaining pulp matter. The tooth is then filled with a special medicated material and closed off. The dental dam is taken off of the tooth and you'll be ready to leave the office pain-free.

If you would like to learn more about root canals and how they're done, call us today in Tyler, TX to speak with one of our highly trained staff members.